Partner Organisations
- Glasgow Council on Alcohol for Elevate-Glasgow PSP
- Light on the Path
- CPA Di Giuseppina Bomba = Italy
- The Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare 2 Work (DFW2W)
- Vägen ut! Kooperativen = Sweden
Project Summary
EEAR’s desired impact is based around the usage of empowering training to combat marginalisation and develop people to become employable and able to develop into self-employment. Our goal is to provide better services that engage and empower the learner to develop skills, continue to learn and look at developing enterprises as they move into the labour market.
Staff that participates within the project, partnership and our localized activities will gain in confidence and self-esteem resulting from the development of new knowledge and skills.
The partnership will impact upon the partners by increasing their ability to engage and respond to the skills needs of their learners and staff, provide an EU focus to addressing common problems and provide solutions to sustainable employment.
Description of the Project
We seek to create a project of good-practice where we can learn from each other’s Employability and Entrepreneurship programmes to create new and standardized curriculum to empower people in recovery from addictions, people from migrant background, marginalised people.
IVET training for enterprise skills development (team-work, communication) has to have a standard approach for all parties.
Elevate headed by GCA has been working with the Dutch and Swedish partners within a KA1 Learners and Staff Motilities Project over the last two years and during this time we have begun to develop an understanding of how the recovery journey is managed in other countries and in particular enterprise and entrepreneurship.
All partners have developed Empowering Employability and/or Entrepreneurship programmes using art and culture, social entrepreneurship, and vocational training for specific occupational areas that are currently delivered which will be discussed and shared in the project. Features of these programmes are that they are learner-centred, with an Individual Development Planning process and documents, which is taken to attainment through the identification of learning outcomes, workshop events, and possible tutorial support that follows the learner to the satisfaction of their plan.
We aim to be “network to network”, creating projects where we send & receive partners that also have the same pivotal position in their own regions and to involve in the long term other VET organisations.
We will work together to bring in good practices, improve the materials of the Empowering programme and standardise it, with inputs from 5 partners in 4 EU countries. We are all seeking to enhance the currently available Employability and Entrepreneurship programmes through a curriculum that is offered in all partner organisations. We want to design the most appropriate curriculum and pedagogy, using the knowledge of all the partners. We acknowledge the different pedagogical approaches of partners/nations, yet also seek to be uniform in our approach.