"Elevate really is the perfect name for this service, it helped Elevate my life"
“I cant thank my worker enough, I don’t think I’d have got through the last 2 years, and be working where I am, without the support of my worker”
“I love how non-judgmental the staff are, they truly listen to me and what I want”
“I have had access to so many courses and opportunities through Elevate and my worker has been so patient with me”

Elevate is an employability service for anyone in recovery, living in Glasgow or accessing support in Glasgow. We can help you to secure volunteering, training, education, or employment. We can also support in the earlier stages of personal development and building up the skills and confidence to move towards your goals. Our team also provide in work support to those struggling to sustain their employment or wishing to change role.
CALL 0141 353 1800
Our services are funded through The Corra Foundation, The Robertsons Trust, NHS Health and Social Care Partnership Scotland and Glasgow City Council.